2019 Virginia Beach Blending Conference

The audio messages and the outlines from the most recent Mid-Atlantic Blending Conference in Virginia Beach (March 29-31) are now available online from the Church in Dunn Loring’s website:

The burden of this conference is that we will go higher in our personal fellowship with the Lord (Hymns, #378) and gaining new heights every day (Hymns, #396). We need to be the wise house builders who not only hear the Lord’s word, but also do them (Matt. 7:24-29). We need to grow deep roots in the Lord (cf. Matt. 13:6) in order to grow in Him. Eventually, our personal fellowship with the Lord is directly linked to the building up of the Body of Christ (Matt. 16:18)–the Christ we gain in our personal time with Him is what builds up the church! Because of this, the enemy is fighting hard to take away our private time with the Lord; we must ot be ignorant of all his schemes (thoughts, 2 Cor. 2:11). In our set personal time with the Lord, we will obtain personal enlightenment from Him (1 John 1:7-9), personal comfort and sustaining (cf. Isa. 50:4), and learn how to follow the anointing within (1 John 2:27). There is so many riches released in this conference–we encourage you to download and listen to these messages in your own time.

The special fellowship is concerning the raising of the next generation for the church life, which is an ongoing burden in the Lord’s heart. The entire church needs to rise up and respond to this burden. It is not a burden merely for parents and children/YP serving ones.

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