Enjoyment of Christ

2019 Virginia Beach Blending Conference

Dear saints in the Lord’s recovery,

We are pleased to announce the Spring 2019 Mid-Atlantic Blending Conference, to be held March 29-31 in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Brother Ricky Acosta will be joining us. The conference will be held at the Holiday Inn Virginia Beach/Norfolk at 5655 Greenwich Road Virginia Beach, VA 23462.

Below is the meeting schedule:

Message 1 Friday, March 29, 7:30 PM
Message 2 Saturday, March 30, 10 AM
Message 3 Saturday, March 30, 7:30 PM
Lord’s Table Lord’s day, March 31, 9:30 AM
Message 4 Lord’s day, March 31, 10 AM

Children’s service will be provided for all the messages.  A special plated dinner will be served on Saturday evening at 6 PM at the hotel.

A special group rate of $89.00 has been negotiated with the hotel. In order to secure this rate, we ask all saints to use the provided link, with the following code: MAB. Otherwise saints can call and make reservations through the following number: 757.499.4400.

(full web address:
https://www.holidayinn.com/redirect?path=hd&brandCode=HI&localeCode=en&regionCode=1&hotelCode=ORFGR&_PMID=99801505&GPC=MAB&viewfullsite=true )

Contact thechurchinvirginiabeachATgmail.com if you have any questions concerning the conference. Please pray that the Lord will use this opportunity to further strengthen the Body for His move in our region!

In Christ,
Responsible brothers of the churches in the Mid-Atlantic region