
Acts 11:29 …according as any one of them was prospered, determined each one of them to send things for dispensing.

Luke 16:9 And I say to you, Make friends for yourselves by means of the mammon of unrighteousness, so that when it fails, they may receive you into the eternal tabernacles.

Philippians 1:5 For your fellowship unto the furtherance of the gospel from the first day until now,

The church in Virginia Beach has set up an online giving system which allows for easier giving of offerings by saints and visitors. This system accepts offerings for the following categories and also can be used to receive conference and training donations:

  1. General Offering (Exo. 30:11-16; Eph. 2:22; 1 Cor. 3:16-17)
  2. Furtherance Unto the Gospel (Phil. 1:5; 4:15-16)
  3. Needy Saints (Rom. 12:13; Gal. 2:10)
  4. Conference and Training Donations
  5. Other

Furtherance Unto the Gospel category will go toward supporting college work and fulltimers in the Mid-Atlantic region. Saints who are burdened to offer to various works of the Lord such as Bibles for America (BFA), Lord’s move to Europe (LME), Rhema should use the Other category, and write down the amounts and designation in the “Notes” box.

Example: A saint wants to give $250 to LME and $150 to BFA. In the giving website, enter “400” under “Other” payment type, and enter “$250 for LME, $150 for BFA” in the Notes.

How to give?

Giving via Zelle

(New Method, recommended) The church accepts offerings via Zelle, a fast bank-to-bank fund transfer facility that is available with many banks in the U.S. Saints are encouraged to give via Zelle for all offerings, trainings, camps, etc. Zelle can also be used to pay for books ordereed through the church. Please use the church’s email address, as the recipient in Zelle. If your bank does not offer Zelle, you may still be able to use Zelle mobile app to set up your electronic giving, see .  This alternative method relies on your bank’s debit card.

Giving via ACH (Direct Bank Debit) or Credit Card

(Old Method) Offerings made by ACH (bank checking account) can also accepted via PayLease, now Zego ( Credit card payments are also accepted, though we strongly encourage the use of ACH rather than credit card. You will be directed to the PayLease website to create an account.

If you are a new user, please complete the “New Users Registration” section. For Visitors, you will need to create a new account under the “New Users Registration” section. Once completed, you will be able to initiate offerings (one time and/or recurring) through your security-encrypted account. You will also be able to view your offering history.

Giving via Check

Offerings given by checks can be made payable to “The Church in Virginia Beach” and can be dropped in the church’s offering box on Lord’s day, or mailed to:

265 Overland Rd.
Virginia Beach, VA 23462


Notes Concerning Giving to Needy Saints

We encourage the saints to give liberally to meet the financial needs of needy saints in the church. Offerings contributed to this category will be used at the discretion of the leading brothers as they become aware of needs among the saints. If you would like to make the leading brothers aware of a particular needy saint situation, you can do so as follows: (1) Please give as usual (using Zelle, Paylease or a bank check), adding “Needy saints fund” in the note field. (2) Following the giving, please send an email to the church’s email address describing the hardship or financial need of the saint, so that the responsible brothers can take this into consideration. You are always welcome to have a direct fellowship concerning all these matters with a responsible brother, if that is your preference.

Note Concerning Tax Deductibility of Gifts

Please be advised that in order to maintain the tax deductibility of any offering, IRS regulations (governing a non-profit organization such as a church) require that the giver relinquish control of the funds and entrust the church with control of their use at its discretion. The designated responsible brothers, acting on behalf of the church’s board of trustees, will exercise the ultimate discretion concerning the apportioning and usage of the church’s incoming funds to best advance the tax-exempt purpose of the church according to the Lord’s present leading. The church always strives to remain compliant with IRS regulations.

Givings designated for book purchases, semi-annual training and conference/camp registration fees are by nature not tax-deductible.